Personal Finance

Personal Finance

The state of my personal finances has changed dramatically over the past year.  In fact, my perception of personal finance has completely evaporated.  I recently got married, and my concern quickly transitioned from personal finance to family finance.  It was bizarre for a bit to think of myself in terms of family – especially when it came to money.  I had a decent awareness of what I was bringing in and how much I could responsibly spend.  A new car, new clothes, a night out with friends… I basically lived for me.  Now, I ask myself – will this PS4 serve the greater good of both me and my wife?  This mindset hasn’t caused too much difficulty or stress.  It’s just as challenging as most change usually is.  After an initial adjustment period, it’s actually become quite natural and constructive.  After all, the benefits of tackling finances as a couple is one of the reasons people get married, isn’t it?

Overall, the family finance transition has been smooth.  There are no rules.  Neither of us feel the need to put our foot down or squabble over a trip to the mall or a bar tab – we simply have a mutual respect and understanding of our finances and what we want to accomplish.  And we both want to accomplish a lot. 

When dealing with finances, my wife and I have learned to be open, be honest, and to not forget to live a little.  What’s your philosophy on personal/family finances?  Tell us below!

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